This Is The Biggest Giveaway of The Year....
I've mentioned it before, and I will probably remind you during the next week, but the biggest giveaway event of the summer - and probably the year - opens tomorrow!
This spectacular event brings together 70+ experts who have all contributed some of their best products to the event - and you get to chose as much or as little as you want absolutely free!
This event is divided into 6 different niches to make it easy to find what you want:
- Lead Generation
- Personal Development
- Health and Wellness
- Sales/Business Development
- Money Mastery
- Business Development
Some of the courses in this event have been sold for as much as $2,000 - and you get free access! You can even get 1-on-1 time with top business coaches!
This is a rare event, one that doesn't come along very often, so I hope you will take the time to check it out, and make the selections that are going to help you finish out 2020 like a powerhouse - and kick 2021 off like the New Year it will be!
The event kicks off Monday am and runs through July 23rd, with daily live interviews of the product contributors! You can drop in at facebook.com/likejayfiset/
for full details and a reminder set-up, too. And yes, I am on the schedule for Saturday, so pop in and say hi!
And.....in case you are wondering - sign up and get 3 new Digital Planners PLUS 3 new Digital Mini-Planners too from us, too!
Ruthie's BDay Bundle Bonus Session #1
As scheduled previously, our first Zoom session is Tuesday, August 18 at 2:00 PM EST. I will be sending out the Zoom session login details this afternoon, Monday and Tuesday. If you do NOT receive them, please hit 'reply' to this email and let me know! Our second session will be based on the feedback from this one. REPLAYS WILL BE AVAILABLE!!
New - And Our Bonus Will Help You Get
The Full Value From The Course!
This is a fabulous new course from D'vorah Lansky that is a new and creative way to repurpose your existing content into digital format. This is a BRILLIANT way to customize your PLR digital planners with just a bit of creativity and put that PLR written content to good use! D'vorah has added some great bonuses too, including one of her actual original digital workbooks! AND - with the new Digital Download program at Amazon for schoolkids - this might be a great way to reach that market with your activity and learning product?
BONUS: The course is fantastic - but as stated on her sales page, D'vorah does not dive into the intricacies of hyperlinking the finished product. So for my bonus, I am going to do a live Zoom session where we will create a new digital workbook using the templates from our Toolkit #7 - "30 Days To A Level 10 Life" and then add it to a 30-day Digital Mini-Planner AND add the tabs and links to the new content plus create your hyperlinked index page!! - and do it all on a Zoom session so you can ask questions throughout the process. This session will take place mid-September as we have the other bonus sessions starting next week, and everyone will get the finished product as well!
From Lady Rayven.... 10 Crazy Cat Coloring Pages for FREE
Regular Price For 10 Pages is $15
Use Coupon Code: CATCRAZY to get the bundle free!!
Get the One-Time-Only Upgrade Offer 50 More Cat Coloring Page Designs For $27 and I will add my own BONUS bundle of 5 cat coloring pages and 5 cat mandalas (Please note: these are not new designs - some of you may already have these!) (coupon code automatically applied for one time offer at checkout)
Gabby at Cup of Zen just released this huge new content bundle:
- 5 + Pre-Written Blog Posts (Combined total of 3,698 words)
- 27 Watercolor Crystal Graphics
- 27 Patterns of Watercolor Crystals
- 24-page Journal Layout in Canva and PowerPoint in 8.5×11, 8×10, 6×9, and A4 sizes
- Commercial Use Rights
BONUS!!! You know this is one of my favorite 'themes' to create covers for - I am creating a series of 5 new covers that will feature different crystals and their 'properties' - trust me, you will love these. While they are designed for covers, you can also use them as section dividers etc. These will be ready Monday!
Yes, I picked this up! This is a HUGE bundle that could easily be turned into a full course, turned into slides and a video course, or even broken up into blog posts or newsletters. It's a total of 40 pages and 17,270 words - and it's from Tiffany Lambert- what else do you need?? HINT: If you are looking for content to use with D'vorah's concept - this is great stuff!
BONUS: Get a $10 Off coupon for anything on our site when you buy through our link!
To collect your bonuses: Please send your receipt with the word "BONUS" in the subject line to:
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Have a wonderful weekend!!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)