by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
Stay One Step Ahead – Deliver Enhanced Customer Service by Predicting the Future What if you could predict the future? Can you imagine the kind of customer service you’d be able to offer? You could give your customers what they want before they even know what...
by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
The Rise of the ‘Entitled Customer’ (and 3 Must-Have Skills to Deal with Them) You’ve heard the popular saying, “the customer is always right,” but is it true? Customers can be unreasonable, overly demanding, or just plain mean, and certainly not “right.” But in...
by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
5 Gems Your Most Difficult Customers Can Teach You It’s inevitable that customers are going to complain and they’re going to talk to others about it. This can hurt your business’s reputation, but it can also provide valuable insight. If you see it as a learning...
by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
5 Reasons Difficult Customers Get Angry (and What You Can Do About It) It can be tough to deal with difficult customers if you don’t have much experience with them. You need a plan that will help you reach a positive outcome, but first, you must determine why they’re...
by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
5 Tips to Keep Your Cool When Dealing with Difficult Customers How do you feel when confronted by a combative customer expressing displeasure with your products and services? For most of us, it’s not a walk in the park. We naturally feel tension and this makes it...
by Melody Wigdahl | Jun 29, 2022 | Building Your Online Business
5 Reasons Small Business Owners Love Difficult Customers Your business has a great marketing plan, excellent products, and a strong connection with your audience. When a difficult customer comes along with complaints or negative comments, it can feel like they’re...