52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 3

52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 3

52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 3

Yesterday, we covered Part 2 of the 10-part Series: 52 Tips for SEO Beginners – Part 2

Today, we tackle Tips 11 – 15: SEO Tips for Beginners:

Tip 11: Conduct an SEO Audit

Conducting an SEO audit means you perform a meticulous examination of your website’s health and performance serves as a diagnostic tool to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

Just as you’d take your car for regular check-ups, your website deserves the same attention. An SEO audit unveils hidden issues, ensuring your site is in optimal condition for search engines and users alike. It’s a proactive step that prevents potential problems from snowballing.

Begin by evaluating your website’s technical aspects, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and URL structure. Scrutinize your content—does it align with your target keywords and provide value?

Audit your backlink profile to identify low-quality or irrelevant links that could harm your site’s ranking. Use tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics to gather data and insights about your site’s performance. 

Based on your findings, create an action plan to address any issues, prioritize optimizations, and enhance your overall SEO strategy. Think of an SEO audit as a diagnostic tool that fine-tunes your website’s engine, ensuring it runs smoothly and efficiently on the digital highway.

Tip 12: Create an XML Sitemap

One often-overlooked SEO gem is the creation of an XML sitemap. This powerful tool serves as a roadmap for search engines, guiding them to explore and index your website’s content with precision.

Think of an XML sitemap as a tour guide for search engines through the labyrinth of your website. By providing a clear and structured map, you ensure that search engines don’t miss any valuable content. This ultimately boosts your site’s visibility in search results.

Begin by generating an XML sitemap using online tools or plugins designed for your content management system (CMS). Include all essential pages, posts, and media files that you want search engines to index.

Submit your XML sitemap to Google Search Console and other search engine webmaster tools. Regularly update your sitemap whenever you add new content or make significant changes to your site’s structure. Remember, an XML sitemap doesn’t just benefit search engines—it benefits your users too, by ensuring easy navigation and access to all your valuable content.

Tip 13: Develop Resource Roundup Posts

One tactic that fosters collaboration and provides immense value is developing resource roundup posts. These curated compilations of valuable resources within your niche not only showcase your expertise, but also create a network of connections.

Resource roundup posts exhibit your commitment to sharing valuable information with your audience. By featuring experts, tools, articles, and insights from various sources, you create a one-stop hub for your readers. Additionally, collaborating with others enhances your online presence and strengthens relationships.

Start by choosing a specific theme or topic for your resource roundup post. Identify high-quality, relevant resources, whether they’re articles, videos, tools, or infographics. Reach out to the creators of these resources, letting them know you’re including their content in your roundup.

Assemble the resources in a well-organized and easy-to-navigate format, providing brief explanations for each one. Consider reaching out to contributors and influencers to share the finished roundup, encouraging them to spread the word.


Tip 14: Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

One SEO technique targets precision—focusing on long-tail keywords. These longer and more specific keyword phrases may have lower search volume but offer higher intent, connecting you with users who are seeking exactly what you offer.

Long-tail keywords provide a direct line to users who know what they want. While they may not attract the sheer volume of broad keywords, they attract users who are closer to making a decision, whether it’s purchasing a product or seeking detailed information.

Begin by researching long-tail keywords related to your niche or industry. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or AnswerThePublic can help you uncover these gems.

Craft content that addresses these specific queries in a detailed and comprehensive manner. Create blog posts, how-to guides, or product reviews tailored to long-tail keywords. Integrate these keywords naturally into your content without sacrificing readability.

Tip 15: Optimize for the Broad Core Update

The Broad Core Update is a major update that affects all websites, regardless of their industry or niche. The goal of this update is to improve the quality of search results and make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for.

While they say it’s not about punishing sites, but instead rewarding sites that were not ranking as deserved, you don’t want to get buried in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

Make sure your content is as good as it can be – thorough and polished, with lots of relevancy and navigation optimization. These results will be less keyword-related and more topic-related, giving users a full result of what they were looking for.

Want more SEO Tips for Beginners?
Check out:
52 Tips for SEO Beginners – Part 1


Melody Wigdahl

52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 2

52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 2

52 SEO Tips for Beginners – Part 2

Yesterday, we covered Part 1 of the 10-part Series: 52 Tips for SEO Beginners.

Here’s a quick peek at the first 5 tips…

  • Tip 1: Optimize Your Website’s Loading Speed
  • Tip 2: Conduct Keyword Research
  • Tip 3: Create High-Quality Content
  • Tip 4: Leverage the Skyscraper Technique
  • Tip 5: Focus on Mobile-Friendly Design

Today, we tackle the next 5 SEO Tips for Beginners:

Building high-quality backlinks is like getting digital endorsements from other websites to drive traffic and enhance your site’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engines.

Backlinks act as virtual votes of confidence. When reputable websites link to your content, search engines perceive your site as a valuable resource. Quality backlinks signal that your content is trustworthy and relevant, boosting your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Begin by creating exceptional content that others naturally want to link to. Seek opportunities for guest posting on authoritative websites within your niche, embedding links back to your content.

Engage in relationship-building by connecting with influencers and peers—meaningful connections can lead to link-building opportunities. Leverage your own network by reaching out to partners, collaborators, or clients who might be interested in sharing your content.

Remember, quality surpasses quantity when it comes to backlinks. Focus on obtaining links from relevant, reputable sources that align with your content’s theme. Each high-quality link is a testament to your expertise and a stepping stone to improved search visibility.

Tip 7: Optimize for Featured Snippets

If you want your site at the top of search results, optimize for featured snippets. These succinct, information-rich snippets often appear at the pinnacle of search results, offering users immediate answers.

Featured snippets are digital goldmines—when your content gets featured, it not only garners prime visibility but also positions you as an authoritative source. Users value quick, concise answers, and featured snippets allow you to deliver just that.

Begin by identifying queries that commonly trigger featured snippets in your niche. Craft your content to address these queries clearly and directly, preferably in a format that aligns with the type of snippet (paragraph, list, table).

Use structured formatting such as headers, bullet points, or tables to present information logically. Ensure your content provides a comprehensive answer while leaving room for users to explore further by clicking through to your website. Don’t forget to track your results and refine your strategies based on what types of content get featured.

Tip 8: Implement Schema Markup

This can seem a bit daunting at first, but it has to be included in any list of SEO Tips for Beginners!

Schema markup is a behind-the-scenes strategy that enhances your search results by providing search engines with additional context about your content, making it more appealing and informative to users.

Schema markup helps your content stand out in search results by adding rich snippets, like star ratings, images, and additional information. This not only catches users’ attention but also provides them with more details before they even click through to your website.

Begin by selecting the appropriate schema markup type for your content—whether it’s a product, recipe, event, or review. Utilize online tools like Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to generate the necessary HTML code.

Integrate the markup into your website’s code, accurately tagging elements like titles, dates, prices, and reviews. Test your structured data using Google’s Rich Results Testing Tool to ensure it’s correctly implemented and displaying as intended.

Tip 9: Improve User Experience (UX)

Improving user experience (UX) provides an intuitive and engaging journey for your website visitors. User experience is more than aesthetics—it directly impacts how users interact with your site.

A positive UX keeps visitors engaged, encourages longer time spent on your site, and reduces bounce rates. Search engines notice these signals and reward sites that prioritize user satisfaction.

Begin by optimizing your website’s navigation, making it easy for users to find what they’re looking for. Prioritize mobile responsiveness to ensure seamless interactions across devices.

Create clear and concise calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide users toward desired actions. Streamline your website’s layout and content, focusing on clarity and readability. Test load times and ensure quick access to information to prevent user frustration.

Gather feedback from users and consider implementing improvements based on their suggestions. A user-centric approach not only enhances your site’s appeal but also sends positive signals to search engines, potentially boosting your search rankings and fostering a loyal audience.

Tip 10: Perform Competitor Analysis

One SEO strategy that provides valuable insights is performing competitor analysis. This technique sheds light on your competitors’ strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, equipping you to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the SEO game.

Competitor analysis isn’t about copying—it’s about learning. By studying your competitors, you gain a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t in your niche.

This knowledge empowers you to refine your own strategies, uncover untapped opportunities, and differentiate your approach. Start by identifying your main competitors within your niche.

Analyze their websites, content, keywords, and backlinks. Assess their strengths and weaknesses—are they excelling in content quality, engagement, or user experience? Utilize tools like SEMrush or Moz to identify their top-performing keywords and backlinks. Extract valuable lessons from their successes and areas where you can surpass them.

Want more SEO Tips for Beginners?
Check out:
52 Tips for SEO Beginners – Part 1


Melody Wigdahl

52 Tips for SEO Beginners – Part 1

52 Tips for SEO Beginners – Part 1

52 SEO Tips for Beginners

In today’s digital landscape, where the online world is a bustling marketplace, the significance of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can’t be overstated. It’s the driving force behind how your website gets discovered, recognized, and embraced by your target audience.

The topic of SEO, however, can seem overwhelming to many. The myriad of strategies, algorithms, and ever-changing practices can leave even the most enthusiastic online marketer feeling lost in the woods.

Below, you’ll find 52 SEO Tips for Beginners where each tip presents you with a new, actionable technique to enhance your website’s search engine visibility and overall performance.

This approach removes the overwhelm and replaces it with a structured plan that empowers you to take consistent steps towards optimizing your online presence.

By breaking down SEO into bite-sized, easy-to-implement techniques, you’ll not only avoid the dreaded “information overload,” but you’ll also gain the confidence to apply each strategy effectively

I have organized the 52 SEO Tips for Beginners in 10 quick lessons, so let’s get started!

Tip 1: Optimize Your Website’s Loading Speed

The loading speed of your website holds the key to keeping visitors engaged. Picture yourself visiting a website that takes ages to load—a frustrating experience, right? Well, your visitors feel the same way.

A sluggish website not only tests their patience, but also leads to higher bounce rates. Search engines like Google also factor in loading speed when ranking websites. A swift-loading site not only keeps visitors on board but also improves your chances of ranking higher in search results.

Start by compressing images and minimizing code. Utilize browser caching to store elements of your site in a visitor’s browser, allowing faster loading on subsequent visits. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute your site’s content across servers worldwide, reducing the distance data has to travel.

Tip 2: Conduct Keyword Research

Embarking on a successful SEO journey requires understanding the language of your audience – keywords. Keywords are the bridge between what users search for and the content you provide.

By identifying the right keywords, you align your content with user intent. This not only helps you attract the right audience but also increases the chances of ranking higher in search results.

Start by brainstorming potential keywords relevant to your niche. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover popular and relevant keywords.

Look for keywords with a balance between search volume and competition. Aim for long-tail keywords – a bit longer and more specific – that often indicate stronger user intent. As you find keywords, create content that naturally incorporates them. Remember, your goal is to address your audience’s queries and provide valuable information.

Tip 3: Create High-Quality Content

In the digital realm, content has the ability to captivate, educate, and resonate with your audience, elevating your website’s authority and search visibility. High-quality content is the cornerstone of effective SEO.

Not only does it provide value to your visitors, but it also establishes your expertise and encourages engagement. Search engines reward well-crafted content by recognizing it as valuable information worth promoting in search results.

Begin by understanding your audience’s needs and pain points. Your content should address their questions, offer solutions, or inspire them. Create original content that’s well-researched, insightful, and well-organized. Incorporate multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics to enhance engagement.

Structure your content with headers, subheadings, and bullet points for easy readability. Prioritize clear and concise language, and always double-check for grammar and spelling errors. Remember, quality triumphs over quantity – focus on creating fewer pieces of exceptional content rather than churning out a large volume of mediocre content.

Tip 4: Leverage the Skyscraper Technique

Just as skyscrapers stand tall amidst the city skyline, your content can rise above the competition. This technique involves identifying top-performing content in your niche and creating an improved version that captivates and educates your audience.

Start by researching and analyzing existing high-performing content. Explore its strengths and identify opportunities to enhance it further. Craft your content to be more detailed, insightful, and valuable. Incorporate additional data, graphics, and examples that set your content apart from the rest.

Once your masterpiece is ready, promote it strategically. Reach out to individuals and websites that linked to the original content, showcasing your improved resource. Share your content across relevant platforms, fostering engagement and amplifying its reach.

Tip 5: Focus on Mobile-Friendly Design

In a world where smartphones are practically extensions of ourselves, catering to mobile users is paramount. You have to optimize your website’s design for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless experience for users on the go.

Mobile devices have become the primary means of accessing the internet for many users. Google recognizes this shift and uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor. A mobile-friendly design not only enhances user experience but also contributes to your website’s overall search engine ranking.

Begin by employing responsive web design, where your site adjusts its layout and content to fit various screen sizes. Test your site on different mobile devices to ensure proper functionality and readability.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool can help you assess your site’s mobile performance and identify areas for improvement. Prioritizing mobile-friendliness is not just about rankings—it’s about delivering a positive experience to your audience, no matter what device they use.

Ready for Part 2?   52 SEO Tips For Beginnners: Part 2

Melody Wigdahl

Bonus: August 2023 For Jenn’s Tarot Journal

BONUS: Jenn's Tarot Journal

These gorgeous images are all original AI-assisted Artwork –
lovingly and painstakingly manually cleaned by the AI’s Assistant, ME!!
These have all been manually touched up and enhanced, backgrounds added where needed,
upscaled, cleaned up and exported to high quality 300 DPI PNG files.
The originals have been deleted from the AI system as well.

If you would like to get this beautiful collection –
just pick up Jenn’s new Tarot Journal, as that is the only way they are available right now!

Get it here: Jenn’s Tarot Journal

June 25: The BEST Email Marketing Bundle You Can Get! And More Notions Tools!

Check out our upcoming events: CALENDAR



Hi, Everyone!

The Stack is done for another year – and now the work begins for the rest of us…actually putting that good stuff to use! I am really excited about several products in the bundle, and looking forward to our Implementation Group – as much for myself as for everyone else because it forces me to take action too!

I juggle a lot and I DO get a lot done during the day – I admit that I can be LASER focused when I need to be – but there have been a lot of family things going on in the background for the last several months, and it has taken it’s toll on my work schedule, cuz no matter how much I want to admit this: there are still only 24 hours in the day, and I can’t work all of them…no matter how hard I try

I also admit that I cannot imagine NOT working because I enjoy what I do – I love working online and feeling like I am learning something new every day, rather than sitting on the sidelines watching the world go by me. That would never be a fun place to be!

Right now, I know that a lot of people are feeling overwhelmed and left out as we see the IM space being inundated with new IM products…but here is a bit of news: Many of the products are simply rebranding themselves and are using the same tech as before – just with a sexy new name! LOL marketing spin rears it’s Midjourney spun head 😉

Ai is definitely here to stay – but it’s been here for quite a while and we have been using it far more than we think we have – it’s just that it is the sexy new buzzword, and so we are getting inundated right now.

Outside of the IM world though – ask a person what they think of Ai and most will simply respond with an empty stare…it’s not getting nearly the attention in RL as it is in OUR world.

Is it overwhelming right now? Yes, it is as there are simply too many “first aA this” and “first Ai that” to keep up or even keep them sorted, but I am starting to see some winners emerge, and in a couple of months, I think the landscape will be more settled, and we will see the true impact of using Ai in out businesses….and THAT is exciting 😉


PS – The BIG sale for Cindy Bidar’s Email Marketing Fundamentals Bundle ends tonight and this is the best deal on the market  –  Cindy is a true ROCKSTAR at this and she does not do a bundle like this very often! Don’t miss it!


The Short Version: TL;DR

    Every time I swear no more AI products – someone comes along with a new slant that piques my curiosity! This one is AI focused on creating Notions Templates, which is a HUGE seller right now! This is something very new and would be a perfect fit if you picked up either of these previous Notion products:
    Notion Millions – 100K Months With Notion Templates
    (PLR) Using Notion for Everyday Organization


  • From Julie Coffman, the My Shop-in-a-Box Profit-Builder
    With 50+ templates, this is the ultimate toolkit for printable shop owners, digital planner creators, low content publishers, as well as coaches and niche site owners in the self-care, wellness, and mindfulness niches.
  • FROM JONATHAN AND JASON: ChatGPT For Online Businesses, VOLUME 2
    The first set of short reels was a huge hit, and Volume 2 looks just as good! This includes 40 short videos in 2 different formats – perfect for traffic generation and SE



Create Notion Templates with AI

Every time I swear no more AI products – someone comes along with a new slant that piques my curiosity! This one is AI focused on creating Notions Templates, which is a HUGE seller right now! And if you have not checked out the Notion Templates market – it is HUGE and simply growing by leaps and bounds every day. This is a new tool to help automate a large portion of the research AND the template creation:

  • Use the two included apps to search the $10.7 Billion Notion MEGA-SITE
  • App #1 hands you 100s of pre-researched (searchable) Notion templates that generated over $135k in 2023 ALONE
  • App #2 is a CUSTOM Chat-GPT software that lets you clone any of these templates – to create your own Notion template in seconds
  • $100/Day Notion Campaigns Preloaded
  • Turnkey Notion Templates Inside
  • Detailed Quickstart PDF Guides
  • PLUS: video training, case studies and PDFs showing how to make money with Notion.. 100% using Chat-GPT
  • BUILT-IN traffic from the Notion community

This is something very new and would be a perfect fit if you picked up either of these previous Notion products:
Notion Millions – 100K Months With Notion Templates
(PLR) Using Notion for Everyday Organization

Check it out:


ON SALE!   PLR Shop-in-a-Box Profit-Builder: Mindful Wellness

Mindfullness Wellness PLR

From Julie Coffman, the My Shop-in-a-Box Profit-Builder is the ultimate toolkit for printable shop owners, digital planner creators, low content publishers, as well as coaches and niche site owners in the self-care, wellness, and mindfulness niches.

This pack includes 51 pages of themed worksheets, each designed to help your customers achieve their health and wellness goals. Can you imagine how many new products you can create with this?



Chat GPT Videos For Business with PLR

(Vertical & Horizontal Videos PLR) ChatGPT For Online Businesses

The first set of short reels was a huge hit, and Volume 2 looks just as good! This includes 40 short videos in 2 different formats – perfect for traffic generation and SEO

  • MODULE 1: 40x Carefully-Researched, Value-Oriented Done-For-You Vertical & Horizontal Videos
  • MODULE 2:  40x Editable Presentation Slides
  • MODULE 3: 40 Sets of Professional Voice Over.
  • MODULE 4: 40 ‘Turnkey’ Video Presell Pages
  • MODULE 5: Plug-n-Play Video Website Portal – Mobile Responsive HTML Format
  • MODULE 6: Ready-Made Lead Capture & Delivery Pages

Get It NOW – This ends Sunday!
ChatGPT For Online Businesses


Product #1:  21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

21 Ideas For AI-Generated Lead Magnets

21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

It’s rare these days to get a chance to get written PLR from Tiffany because her limited-release sets sell out so fast – hint: use the articles with AI and you can flesh each of these out to a standalone report or pillar post 😉

#1 – Tap Into AI’s Creativity for eBook and Reports You Can Use as Lead Magnets

#2 – Engage Your Subscribers with Drip-Fed Email Lead Magnets Created By AI

#3 – Graphics-Based Lead Magnets AI Can Brainstorm to Help Build Your List#4 – Subscribers Will Eagerly Sign Up for Helpful AI-Generated Templates

#5 – Video Lead Magnets Are a Breeze for AI to Come Up With

#6 – AI Can Help Create Webinar Lead Magnets For Visitors Who Love Events

#7 – Get Visitors Signed Up to Your List Using AI-Crafted Assessments#8 – Niche-Specific Case Studies Brainstormed By AI Are Irresistible Lead Magnets

#9 – AI Can Whip Up Value-Packed White Papers Your Subscribers Will Love

#10 – Resource Lists That Are Popular with Consumers Are a Cinch to Create with AI

#11 – Audiobook Lead Magnets Can Be Scripted By AI for Your New Subscribers

#12 – Newbies in a Niche Always Appreciate an AI-Generated Glossary Lead Magnet

#13 – Have AI Create a Roundup Showcase to Use as Your List Building Offer

#14 – Buyer’s Guide Lead Magnets Can Be Created By AI Quickly and Easily

#15 – Let AI Come Up with Interesting Checklists for Your Prospective Subscribers

#16 – AI-Crafted Cheat Sheets Make an Enticing List-Building Offer

#17 – Your AI Tools Can Come Up with Activity Sheets That New Subscribers Crave

#18 – Get AI to Pull a Market Report Together for Your Prospective Subscribers

#19 – Push Your Audience to the Next Level of Success with an AI-Created Challenge

#20 – Subscribers Will Devour a Knowledge Bank of Content as an Opt-In Offer

#21 – Weekly Newsletters Made By AI Make a Great Lead Magnet Offer for Subscribers

** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Get it here: 

21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets




PRODUCT #2: 13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche


13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche

This is a bundle of emails that you can use to promote Internet marketing products as an affiliate.
They come with pre-written subject lines and body content as well as a strong call to action – so that 90% of the work is done for you!

All you have to do is fill in whatever product name (or substitute any details you want to change or include) and you are set to go!

Swipe emails can make your life soooo much easier!  So this is perfect for those in the IM niche or if you work with content or product creators or small business owners. You could also turn this into a “buyer’s guide” for new marketers if you wanted to – or compile it into a comprehensive blog post, too.

  • Email Swipe for an AI Tool
  • Email Swipe for an Email Autoresponder-
  • Email Swipe for Domain Registrar
  • Email Swipe for an Affiliate Marketing Course
  • Email Swipe for a Copywriting Course
  • Email Swipe for a Graphics Design Tool
  • Email Swipe for a Keyword Tool
  • Email Swipe for a Page Builder
  • Email Swipe for an SEO Tool
  • Email Swipe for a Traffic Course
  • Email Swipe for a PLR Sale
  • Email Swipe for Video Editing Software
  • Email Swipe for Web Hosting Services
  • ** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Full details:

13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche



Email marketing fundamentals

Ok so now that you have all of that traffic coming in from BC Stack…you need to know what to do with it….

If you have been on this list for any time at all, then you know I am a HUGE fan of Cindy’s training because she is systematic and breaks everything down in a way that makes sense! This is no exception!

Everyone tells you that you need a list – but the mechanics of how and what to do with the list? Not so much…This three-course bundle includes 3 of her top-selling courses and covers EVERYthing you need to know, creating a compelling lead magnet to setting up your optin forms to Opt-in Funnel Follow-ups that will fill your autoresponder up and make sales too – Nothing is left out!!

You can get this entire three-course bundle this week only for a whopping 71% off!





This is the new “DFY” 17-Month Planner Bundle – and it is HUGE!! The hot planner buying season is coming up and is a strong way to finish out the second half of the year!

This new bundle gives you lots of variety by including both Printable and Digital Planners and even includes Black & White versions of each for easy customizing! Delivered in Keynote (Mac), Powerpoint (PC), and PDF. Digital Planners are Goodnotes compatible (not included).

  • 5 All-New Unique Designs (20 graphics Total)
  • 22 Templates
  • 20k+ hyperlinks in the Digital planner
  • 300 DPI Ready-to-Print Version, too
  • Almost 600 pages
  • Bonuses you won’t believe….|

Get it Here:

2023-2024 17-Month DFY Planner Bundle



June 24: BC Stack Closing

Check out our upcoming events: CALENDAR


Time to get off the fence….

Hi, Everyone!

It’s happened….someone has launched a product with ONE TRILLION CHAT GPT PROMPTS. And no, you will never see that product in this newsletter. The insanity has to stop somewhere. LOL, I would be so overwhelmed I would forget what I wanted the darned prompt for in the first place…. 

The truth is that once you see the basic structure of the types of prompts you will use for most of your content-creating activities, you will be able to replicate and refine your prompts for whatever you need.

Nobody needs one trillion prompts….

And….for those of you on the fence…..today is your last chance to invest in this year’s BC Stack!

Every year is excellent, but this year it’s a topic that is near and dear to my heart…..and an absolute necessity for me to get to the next phase of my business: TRAFFIC!!!

And like a trillion prompts – 60+ great products CAN be very overwhelming, but I rarely use more than 15% of any bundle I purchase. My mindset is not “wow, I am getting all of this neat stuff for less than $1 apiece”….it’s more like “ok, I am getting 4 courses that I have wanted for 60% off” or whatever it comes out to 😉 

In other words, the value to me is the discount on what I am going to use – not what is going to sit on my hard drive….

I have had the pleasure of interviewing both Dan and Rachel in the past, and they are both the real deal – hardworking and very approachable…and one of the first courses I will be diving into will be Rachel’s on how she built her Facebook audience to over 1 million!

As many of you know, our Site Flippers Group focus is on BUILDING ASSETS to sell, ie: FLIPPING WEBSITES. I turn 69 in July and this is a huge goal for me this year. More than just a goal – this is my future, and I know that this is the case for many of us in the group.

Traffic is not just important to our future plans – it is CRITICAL – and that is why I am offering my time so that we can work through our 3 hand-picked courses from this bundle together.

We will meet every week through August and September, and this WILL be a group-driven Implementation Mastermind, for 8 weeks total (break week Labor Day week). And if you have never joined us for any of our ‘working’ groups – they are fun and open to all levels of expertise (or non-expertise). Our members are open and sharing with their knowledge and experience, and always willing to help as needed.

You will get access to MY BC STACK BONUS in the BC Stack member area, so you will find it when you log in ;-). If you pre-purchased last year (kudos to you!), please send an email to [email protected] with “BC STACK 2023” in the subject line and I will send the access link.

I am still trying to narrow my own choices down to 3 so this will be interesting – but I think Rachel’s and Nick Loper’s are definitely 2 top contenders…It will be interesting to see what the group chooses!

I hope you will join us – and let this be the Bundle that makes a difference in your business!!!

Get it here: BC Stack 2023


PS – if you struggle with emailing your list – whether it is the ‘process’ of setting it all up, getting into a consistent schedule or simply not knowing what to say – please scroll down and check out Cindy Bidar’s Email Marketing Fundamentals Bundle – you need traffic but you also need to have systems in place to turn that traffic into a business. Cindy is a true ROCKSTAR at this!!


The Short Version: TL;DR

    The first set of short reels was a huge hit, and Volume 2 looks just as good! This includes 40 short videos in 2 different formats – perfect for traffic generation and SEO

    This three-course bundle includes 3 of her top-selling courses and covers EVERYthing you need to know, creating a compelling lead magnet to setting up your optin forms to Opt-in Funnel Follow-ups that will fill your autoresponder up and make sales too – Nothing is left out!! Cindy’s background as a VA to some of the top names in the IM world makes her one of the most qualified people I know to teach this subject!
    Product #1: 21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets
    PRODUCT #2:13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche
    The launch price disappears Monday!!



My BC Stack Bonus!


As you no doubt know by now….the 2023 BC Stack is live! I am not a contributor this year for the first time in quite a while. This is a Stack that is near and dear to my heart because it is about TRAFFIC!!! The lifeblood of every business – online or brick and mortar -without traffic, we have no business.

===> Instead of more credits or coupons or discounts…
because you need traffic to sell all of the products you already have…….

Let’s pick 3 products in the bundle – AS A GROUP – and put them into action, just like we are doing in the BLOX Working Group right now! We will meet EVERY week through August and September, and this WILL be a group-driven Implementation Mastermind!

I will also add the product I was going to create for the bundle as a contributor: a Google Sheets Traffic Tracker, so you can track your traffic generation activities, results and most importantly – your ROI changes as your sessions and page views increase 😉 This will be available after we chose our products so I can customize it to the goals (deadline to choose is July 20th)

If you pre-purchased the bundle last year, please send me your name and purchase details to:
[email protected] and I will send you the link details for this year’s bonus 😉

Check it out here – this topic is one of my faves so I can’t wait to dig into this one!

2023 BC Stack



    Chat GPT Videos For Business with PLR

    (Vertical & Horizontal Videos PLR) ChatGPT For Online Businesses

    The first set of short reels was a huge hit, and Volume 2 looks just as good! This includes 40 short videos in 2 different formats – perfect for traffic generation and SEO

  • MODULE 1: 40x Carefully-Researched, Value-Oriented Done-For-You Vertical & Horizontal Videos
  • MODULE 2:  40x Editable Presentation Slides
  • MODULE 3: 40 Sets of Professional Voice Over.
  • MODULE 4: 40 ‘Turnkey’ Video Presell Pages
  • MODULE 5: Plug-n-Play Video Website Portal – Mobile Responsive HTML Format
  • MODULE 6: Ready-Made Lead Capture & Delivery Pages

Get It NOW – This ends Sunday!
ChatGPT For Online Businesses


Product #1:  21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

21 Ideas For AI-Generated Lead Magnets

21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

It’s rare these days to get a chance to get written PLR from Tiffany because her limited-release sets sell out so fast – hint: use the articles with AI and you can flesh each of these out to a standalone report or pillar post 😉

#1 – Tap Into AI’s Creativity for eBook and Reports You Can Use as Lead Magnets

#2 – Engage Your Subscribers with Drip-Fed Email Lead Magnets Created By AI

#3 – Graphics-Based Lead Magnets AI Can Brainstorm to Help Build Your List#4 – Subscribers Will Eagerly Sign Up for Helpful AI-Generated Templates

#5 – Video Lead Magnets Are a Breeze for AI to Come Up With

#6 – AI Can Help Create Webinar Lead Magnets For Visitors Who Love Events

#7 – Get Visitors Signed Up to Your List Using AI-Crafted Assessments#8 – Niche-Specific Case Studies Brainstormed By AI Are Irresistible Lead Magnets

#9 – AI Can Whip Up Value-Packed White Papers Your Subscribers Will Love

#10 – Resource Lists That Are Popular with Consumers Are a Cinch to Create with AI

#11 – Audiobook Lead Magnets Can Be Scripted By AI for Your New Subscribers

#12 – Newbies in a Niche Always Appreciate an AI-Generated Glossary Lead Magnet

#13 – Have AI Create a Roundup Showcase to Use as Your List Building Offer

#14 – Buyer’s Guide Lead Magnets Can Be Created By AI Quickly and Easily

#15 – Let AI Come Up with Interesting Checklists for Your Prospective Subscribers

#16 – AI-Crafted Cheat Sheets Make an Enticing List-Building Offer

#17 – Your AI Tools Can Come Up with Activity Sheets That New Subscribers Crave

#18 – Get AI to Pull a Market Report Together for Your Prospective Subscribers

#19 – Push Your Audience to the Next Level of Success with an AI-Created Challenge

#20 – Subscribers Will Devour a Knowledge Bank of Content as an Opt-In Offer

#21 – Weekly Newsletters Made By AI Make a Great Lead Magnet Offer for Subscribers

** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Get it here: 

21 Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche


13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche

This is a bundle of emails that you can use to promote Internet marketing products as an affiliate.
They come with pre-written subject lines and body content as well as a strong call to action – so that 90% of the work is done for you!

All you have to do is fill in whatever product name (or substitute any details you want to change or include) and you are set to go!

Swipe emails can make your life soooo much easier!  So this is perfect for those in the IM niche or if you work with content or product creators or small business owners. You could also turn this into a “buyer’s guide” for new marketers if you wanted to – or compile it into a comprehensive blog post, too.

  • Email Swipe for an AI Tool
  • Email Swipe for an Email Autoresponder-
  • Email Swipe for Domain Registrar 
  • Email Swipe for an Affiliate Marketing Course 
  • Email Swipe for a Copywriting Course 
  • Email Swipe for a Graphics Design Tool
  • Email Swipe for a Keyword Tool
  • Email Swipe for a Page Builder 
  • Email Swipe for an SEO Tool 
  • Email Swipe for a Traffic Course 
  • Email Swipe for a PLR Sale
  • Email Swipe for Video Editing Software
  • Email Swipe for Web Hosting Services
  • ** This PLR comes in both Word and TXT formats

Full details:

13 Editable Email Swipes for the Internet Marketing Niche



Email marketing fundamentals

Ok so now that you have all of that traffic coming in from BC Stack…you need to know what to do with it….

If you have been on this list for any time at all, then you know I am a HUGE fan of Cindy’s training because she is systematic and breaks everything down in a way that makes sense! This is no exception!

Everyone tells you that you need a list – but the mechanics of how and what to do with the list? Not so much…This three-course bundle includes 3 of her top-selling courses and covers EVERYthing you need to know, creating a compelling lead magnet to setting up your optin forms to Opt-in Funnel Follow-ups that will fill your autoresponder up and make sales too – Nothing is left out!!

You can get this entire three-course bundle this week only for a whopping 71% off!





This is the new “DFY” 17-Month Planner Bundle – and it is HUGE!! The hot planner buying season is coming up and is a strong way to finish out the second half of the year!

This new bundle gives you lots of variety by including both Printable and Digital Planners and even includes Black & White versions of each for easy customizing! Delivered in Keynote (Mac), Powerpoint (PC), and PDF. Digital Planners are Goodnotes compatible (not included).

  • 5 All-New Unique Designs (20 graphics Total)
  • 22 Templates
  • 20k+ hyperlinks in the Digital planner
  • 300 DPI Ready-to-Print Version, too
  • Almost 600 pages
  • Bonuses you won’t believe….|

Get it Here:

2023-2024 17-Month DFY Planner Bundle
