The Site Flippers
Working Group 2023
About this membership:
This group’s sole focus will be building, monetizing and flipping websites.
~ Towards that end, our “Working Group” will meet at least once a month to learn the basic skills that we need to do this successfully. Topics will include but will not be limited to:
- Niche Selection
- Keyword Selection
- Website building
- Traffic Generation
- Site Monetization
- Tools and Services
~ We will also strive for a second session every month that will feature a Guest Speaker or special Training that will be educational in nature. The speaker may make a special offer to the group – but I want to stress that the primary purpose of these sessions will be educational and to get an inside look at the tools and services that will help up reach our goals.
Also included in the membership:
- Private member-only Facebook Group
- Replays of all sessions
- More to come!
Membership will only open once a quarter so that
we do not disrupt the flow of the group!
Join today for $25 for 3 months!