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Looking for some inspiration for the coming year? Then you HAVE to get Angela Will's new ebook "Shining Through Their Struggles". This is a collaborative effort lead by Angela, and it is an amazing compilation of personal stories from the members of her Laptop Lifestyle YOUniversity.

It's nothing short of amazing. It's awe-inspiring. It's women entrepreneurs at their best, often having to plow through the worst to get to their goals. A better life. A happier life. Surviving and eventually succeeding.

And it's free. And it contains great gifts for you, too!!

Inspiration and free goodies? Short of chocolate...what more could you ask for? :-)

And yes, my story is in there too, and it's been a tough one, but I am still here, and in a good place now. And you can get a free planner when you read my story!

Go get it all here ==>>> Shining Through Their Struggles

You will be glad you did - and maybe you will join us over at Angela's!!

Have a wonderful week - rock the world!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!!

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