
I almost missed this one by Lynette over at Thrive Anywhere! She is one of my favorite PLR 'artists' and this one really hits home with me personally!

While this is a fantastic tool for coaches or anyone that works with entrepreneurs and small to medium businesses - this is also a phenomenal resource for us entrepreneurs! I personally have a huge issue with outsourcing, because I am SURE that on one else will take care of my clients the way that I do....and that is a terribly self-limiting attitude. But I am getting better - baby steps - but I am indeed working better with others, finally. And you know what? The more you share the workload, the more you can grow, and the more work you have....and it becomes a wonderful cycle of prosperity for everyone!

The new Outsourcing Planner from
Thrive Anywhere can help.

===> Click HERE to check it out now

This planner is more like an outsourcing plan, workbook and planner in one. It is created based on the same techniques an experienced outsourcer has been practicing for years. The planner will guide your clients (OR YOU!) through:
* Setting clear objectives about the role they (or you!) are hiring for
* Building the perfect job ad
* Creating small gigs and how to evaluate the hires
* Talent evaluation
* Team management
And much more. See it for yourself HERE

Plus, you also get social media posts and images with the pack. All done and ready to promote your new planner.

AND.......Lynette has given us a special $10 off coupon code: MELODY10

Outsourcing Planner from Thrive Anywhere

Buy before midnight Thursday, July 17,
and send me your receipt...

and I will send you a

$10 coupon code
for any product at
PLRoftheMonth.Club ;-)

That's it for now!! Enjoy the day!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club

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