Coloring Books Are Getting More and More Competitive!
One of the top selling books this year made a HUGE splash simply
by printing the pages on BLACK paper!!
Seriously, a coloring book printed on black paper knocked everyone
else off the sales charts and broke the top 10 list on
Amazon’s Best Sellers list for several weeks!
As the vertical gets more popular –
it’s becoming critical to find ways to stand out
from the rest of the herd –
but we have an AMAZING collection of
original artwork
to get you off to a great start!
20 Original 'Fantasy Universe' Backgrounds!
These beautiful images are delivered to you as both PNG files and layered PSD files, so that you can swap out the backgrounds and use them with your other PLR packages!
All backgrounds are original, created in-house, and no 2 are alike!
Click on an image to see in more detail!
Full PLR Rights To These Extraordinary Images!
You will receive the PSD and PNG files to all images, so you can mix and match the images to the backgrounds – even create totally new coloring pages by adding the backgrounds to the images from the Mandalas, Fantasies and Hearts & Flowers images that you just purchased!!
The combinations are only limited by your imagination!
Get Your Copy Now!
This PLR pack is on a dime sale for 5 days,
so jump in and get it while you can!
The content is created in-house, not outsourced.
Your rights:
– You can use the PLR any way you want (sell the end product as a book or individual pages, give away to build your list, use as a bonus to other products or add to a free or paid membership) but you can only pass personal rights to others
– Content must not be sold or published under my name
Have fun!
Melody Schroeder