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As I mentioned in our Pinterest group yesterday, the hubby had a loop recorder installed this am, and all went well! Thank you for the many emails today! It's essentially a miniature EKG, and transmits 24/7 so they can figure out what is causing his intermittent 'wooziness'. I have noticed that it tends to hit when it is his turn to do the dishes, but I am sure that is just a coincidence. I was very hopeful when I saw the nurse hand him a tiny remote control device, but hope was quickly squashed when she tersely informed me that no, there was no mute button on it. DARN!!!
UPDATES: Someone apparently filed a spam complaint against us and some of you have not been getting our emails. The main newsletter seems ok, but the group updates and the individual bonus delivery emails seem to be experiencing the biggest issues...so please read the following carefully!
Bonus Delivery (other than BC Stack):
If you did not receive the usual email from me notifying you that your bonus was uploaded, please check your member area, as it should be there, if I received your bonus request. If it is not, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject line 'MISSING"
BC Stack Group: I will be sending out an update to everyone Thursday morning, before 11:00 AM EST. If you do not receive it, please reply to this newsletter and let me know. I am setting up a page for the group with the survey for the implementation topics, and all of your bonuses will be listed there, so you can keep track of them easier - and I am adding MORE BONUSES!!! See below for details!!
Affiliate Pinning Success Group: I will be sending out an update to everyone Thursday pm. If you are in this group and do not get an email from me by 2:00 PM EST, please reply to this newsletter and let me know. Lots of good stuff coming! BTW - be sure to check your account with Kristie as she has added more bonuses - and we have a bunch of new stuff coming your way this week too! For details on the bonus - hit reply and I will send you the full bonus details for buying through our link!
Thursday SEO/Traffic Chat: My apologies but I have to cancel this week, as another dr appt for my mom has popped up. But next week, we will start diving into the details for the upcoming giveaway ;-)
The Once A Year Event Is Almost Over! BC Stack Is Gone In 2 Days!!
Even though I am in this year's event, I purchased it because I wanted to give you an unbiased review of the bundle. The event producer, Dan Morris, even sent me an email and said "You're in this - you get a free copy!!" and offered me a refund. I turned it down because I wanted to be able to recommend it - or not - on its own merit, not just because we are in it.
My opinion? Wow. Obviously, I have not had time to go through everything in the bundle - but the ones I have highlighted below I have at least scanned through and are great topics for our implementation group - any one of these are worth more than the cost of the course!!
In fact, if you bought these products individually - it would cost more than $8k!!
I know you are probably tired of hearing about this one, but if you are at all on the fence on this one, it really is an investment in your business education, and I want to help you put those pieces together.
One year ago, this business really did not exist. Now I am in the BC Stack - in fact, I am in 6 bundles this month, and my list has grown by 300 optins just in the past 2 weeks.
If yours hasn't, let's fix that.
So as the clock ticks down on this bundle event - I am going to up the game and give you a bonus that is over-the-top and I hope pretty darn irresistible!!
- Promo Code that can be used three times for 25% off ANY purchase (no expiry)(Valued up to $110.00)
- Promo code any 2 planners from the new digital bundle dropping shortly (it's a fully dated one!) (Valued up to $54.00)
- The group will choose a topic for an implementation project - minimum of three 90 minute live sessions, with replays (our Pinterest group has been amazing - we just wrapped our 4th session, and about 11 hrs of video so far) (Value: PRICELESS!)
- NEW BONUS: Pick any current or future product released within the next 90 days for free. Yes, this means that you can even get the super bundle of ANY Toolkit we release. Value of this bonus is up to $147!!
Here's the entire list of courses and products included - the bolded ones are my personal "pick of the litter"
- Running a Virtual Summit: Starter Kit ($297 retail)
- Launch & Market Your Online Course ($400 retail)
- Become a Live Streaming Pro (in just 3 hours) ($55 value)
- Simple Marketing Formula Bootcamp Live! ($2,000 value)
- The Ultimate Pinterest Design Mini Course ($47 value)
- Big Shifts 30-Day Challenge ($99 value)
- IMPACT course ($49 value)
- Chad Collin’s Exact Strategy & Framework I Use to Sell-out Events Which Won Me Two Guinness World Records for Ticket Sales!
- Facebook Ad Profit School ($97 value)
- Your Client Attraction Map – a live, interactive workshop scheduled for August 15th ($97 value)
- Lifetime Subscription to Podcast Magazine ($790 value)
- Instagram Story Accelerator ($94 value)
- Angus Nelson’s “The 10 Minute Motivator” ($397 value)
- 6-month membership for the Marketing Trailblazers Community ($210 value)
- From Blog to Podcast in 5 Easy Steps
- BLOG BOUNDLESS: How to build a blog like a 7-figure blogger ($97 value)
- Webinar-in-a-Box
- Bookfunnels 101 ($497 value)
- IGNITE VIDEO LIFESTYLE Mini Accelerator How to Create High-Quality Videos For Social Media
- Halbertizing Program – The Best Direct Response Marketing Training Money Can Buy!
- Four Ways to Collect Email Addresses Using Free Offers ($300 value)
- Chad’s “Handling Difficult Client Situations” Workshop + Handy Client Replies Swipes Kit
- Fast Forward Future – Hidden Secrets to Building Better Products by Igniting Innovation
- The Smart Marketer’s Guide To Outsourcing Content Marketing
- Debbie’s Lessons from making $20,000/month
- How to use product images for your eCommerce store to increase sales 120%+ Mini Master Class
- SEO Simplified: 2020
- Creating Printables: Quick Start Course
- Zero-to-60 with Evernote – Essentials
- The No-Fuss Video Scripting Toolkit
- Everything Mike BC Stack Special
- Get Ready To Hire
- Wicked At WordPress
- Mia Moran’s Entrepreneurial Productivity course
- Easy List Growth: How to Build Your Email List with Partnerships
- Affiliate Marketing, Simplified!
- Thriving Core Values Profile
- Kim’s Work at Home Binder
- Cindy Bidar’s Funnels 101
- Really Simple Authority Blogging
- Legal Handbook for Bloggers & Entrepreneurs
- Bundle Magic – Turn a Free Bundle Into a Massive Opportunity
- Self Publishing from the very beginning
- Organize Your Podcast
- Essentials of Online Marketing + 2 Bonus Products
- The Food Blogging Break Out Pack
- How to Finally Master Your Visuals and Communicate the Right Message Online
- HARO Backlink Strategy Guide and Templates {10 Page Workbook}
- How to Add 100 Email Subscribers Every Month
- Making Easy Printables for Your Audience
- The Fearless Creator Method Program-Planner and Membership
- DIY Stay At Home Branding Session
- Privacy Policy Template + Workshop
- WordPress HowTo Guides for Beginners with PLR Rights
- Pin Practical Primer Starter Kit
- Love Based Copywriting
- Renee’s “Uplevelling WordPress”
- Melody Wigdahl’s “Start Your Digital Planner Business Today!” Well, yeah!!
- 100 Stock Photos from Sage Media & Marketing
- Traffic from Tribes Pro
- Winning Speaking Contracts – how to land profitable speaking gigs and grow your business
- BC Stack Podcast Guesting Combo Pack
- Coaching Planner + Workbook: ‘Map Out, Set Up And Price Your Private 1:1 Coaching Program
- Premade Fully Customizable Social Media Templates for Canva
- Mindset Before Profitability – Create Your Success Brain
- Developing An Entrepreneurial Mindset
- Deep Dive Into Creative Introverted Entrepreneur Book
- Emotional Intelligence Course: The Heart of Sales to Amazon
And yes - if you already purchased through our link - you get the new bonuses too!!
Have an awesome evening and an even better tomorrow!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)