Hi, Everyone!
For the first time since March, school buses were whizzing by the house today! A very strange but welcome sight to see after all these many months! Maybe I can stop washing my groceries sometime in the near future, too ;-)
Housekeeping note: The call details for the bonus training for the purchase of D'vorah's course have been sent out - if you did not receive please hit 'reply' and let me know!
Seth Godin wrote an interesting post today about 'normal' - it's short (hah - 7 seconds maybe?) but it will set you thinking about what normal really is.
I think one of the reasons my own business has grown over the summer was that my life has never been what most people would call normal. My childhood was nomadic, and my adulthood interesting, for lack of a better term. But the lack of stability, the quicksand foundation, also makes pivoting a fact of life. I have always viewed today as fluid and simply deal with issues as they arise. I rarely mull over major decisions - instead, I make them quickly and make course corrections as needed the same way. For better or worse, it gets things done ;-)
What is your normal today? Are you waiting for things to return to the old normal? Or have you pivoted, and are keeping an eye on where you need to be to fit into the next version of normal?
And that is the amazing advantage of what we do - we can change directions with the breeze, change our focus on a whim, and still be successful.
Isn't the 'net a wonderful place to be??
Tuesday Tutorials, Virtual Events & More!
I continue to be amazed at the quality of training and content that is available through free Virtual Summits - there are several this week to check out:
• Inbound 2020 - this is one of the top sales & marketing summits of the year - and this year you can attend for free!
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Erica Stone: RecurMe Commissions
Well, this is a sign of how busy I have been this past week - this launched on the 27th, and I just saw it for the first time last night! And yes, I purchased it too! First of all, everything that Erica puts out is top-notch, and original - and this is no exception. Yes there have been other products on recurring commissions - but none have gone into the depth and detail that Erica has - this not only includes 140 recurring commission programs, but she also has included sales stats for the programs, EPCs, refund rates, and suggested hashtags.
Two other things I love about it: 1) it's only $19, and 2) there are NO OTOs ;-)
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• New To aMember??
aMember is probably the most widely used membership & affiliate management software in the PLR niche today. It is stable, feature-rich and since so many of us use it - it makes it much easier for customers AND affiliates! I have been using it for about a year now and am FAR from being an expert - however, Lynette and Kelly ARE experts when it comes to aMember! Their course, Member Skills, will get you up and running in no time! ===>>> CHECK IT OUT HERE: Member Skills
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••It's April’s Birthday Sale!
April at Niche Starter Packs is celebrating her birthday today and for 3 days - you get 46% OFF on (almost) everything in her store when you use coupon code BDAY46.
If you are looking for some good PLR to start creating your digital books a la D'vorah's course.... - this is a great place to get some truly quality content at a bargain price!
This is such a creative and out-of-the-box way to re-purpose your PLR!! Creating digital workbooks and more with your PLR is a fantastic way to offer your content in a format that is truly more in tune with today's audience! D'vorah's teaching style is professional and easy to follow - I enjoyed this course from beginning to end, and I am sure your brain will be racing with ideas like mine is!
BONUS: D'vorah does not dive into the intricacies of hyperlinking the finished product. So for my bonus, I am going to do a live Zoom session where we will create a new digital workbook using the templates from our Toolkit #7 - "30 Days To A Level 10 Life" and then add it to a 30-day Digital Mini-Planner AND add the tabs and links to the new content plus create your hyperlinked index page!! Bonus Session is Wednesday, September 2nd at 3:00 PM EST.
To collect your bonuses: Please send your receipt with the word "BONUS" in the subject line to:
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Have a wonderful evening -
and hope to see many of you tomorrow on our Zoom with D'vorah!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)