Let the list building begin......
YESSSS!!!! After weeks and weeks of planning -
is open and accepting Contributors!!
This event is hosted by Ruthie Bowers, Chrissy Salus, and myself, and we are so excited to finally be able to welcome everyone!
Here's the overview: • The event will open to the public for downloads Sept. 10, and is open today for "Early Bird" registration.
• The event is open today through September 3 for Contributors. We would like to cap contributors at 40. If we have any slots available after the Sept. 3 deadline, we will re-open for sign-ups - but based on where we are already, I would suggest signing up sooner rather than later.
• Products MUST be slanted towards starting a side business. You can offer a course, ebook, challenge etc. PLR products also are acceptable since the rights allow the subscriber to sell the product as their own, therefore allowing the subscriber to use the product to start their own 'Side Hustle'.
• There are no list size requirements, but we do require that you promote the event. We will be providing banners and Pin graphics for you too - Chrissy and Ruthie's Pins for the Ruthie's Bday Bash were GORGEOUS!! - so we will be providing the tools to help you get the word out!
Sign up now - these slots will fill quickly:
Big Summer Sale! Divi, the theme that I have used since SEPTEMBER 2010!!!!
Seriously!! I did not even realize that! And yes, this has been a love/hate relationship over the last few months, I swore I was going to switch, but suddenly, she's humming along again, and the romance is back on! Add to that the fact that recently I have tried Elementor, and actually purchased Thrive, and I have to say that I still find Divi INFINITELY easier to use than pretty much any other WP builder out there. (BTW - I am NOT a fan of Wordpress's new blocks release - it's simply a more confusing system for new folks). Both the annual lifetime options are on sale today - check it out here: DIVI SUMMER SALE
And I should point out, that it has not had any problems with the latest Wordpress update - which is still causing major issues for many.
• Ruthie is back with one of her very popular and totally gorgeous White Label Pattern Bundles. If you are new to the concept of pattern coloring, it is a very calming, and relaxing form of coloring, because of the repetition, and is actually a recommended stress-reducer! Not that anyone is under any stress at the moment, but I am willing to bet you have an audience for these!
BONUS: Buy these through our link and I will add a bonus pack of 10 all-new mandalas (to be delivered by Thursday).
Looking for something unique for your Christian audience? This is it! This huge bundle includes everything from a coloring journal to doodle words. BONUS: Buy through our link and receive your choice of any Design Kit from our recent faith-based Toolkit #12
(use HAPPYME10 to save $10 (coupon expires midnight PDT, August 23)
• Becky at PLRBeach is also celebrating!
Becky just reached a major business milestone and is sharing the goodies with you! Get 30% off with promo code CELEBRATE
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Looking for Content in All the WRONG PLACES??
We have the RIGHT places for great deals on fantastic content...
• Coach Glue put their 65 More Done-For-You Blog Posts Bundle #4 on sale for 50% off. I have them all and use them on our other blogs all the time - GREAT timesaver. You can also use them to add content to planners, journals, printables and Digital planners or workbooks quickly and easily
Sharyn is having a huge sale this weekend - and if you have been thinking about creating your own course - this is an amazing opportunity! Sharyn has selected a number of products all around the theme "Starting and Growing an Online Business" - and you can now get up to 60% off depending on the number of products you select
All I can say is WOW! This is a MASSIVE bundle that Jenn has been working on for months. You may not know this, but Jenn is a certified coach and this product lets you take advantage of her training and expertise. Excellent value for the money! BONUS: Buy through our link and take your pick of any Design Kit from Toolkits #7 or Toolkit #11 (these are our goal-setting/tracking workbook/planners)
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Our Bonus Will Get You Ready To Sell!!
You still have time to pick this up - it's a fantastic way to take that PLR sitting on your hard drive and add it to those PLR planners and Journals ALSO sitting on your hard drive to create an end product that is totally unique!
BONUS: The course is fantastic - but as stated on her sales page, D'vorah does not dive into the intricacies of hyperlinking the finished product. So for my bonus, I am going to do a live Zoom session where we will create a new digital workbook using the templates from our Toolkit #7 - "30 Days To A Level 10 Life" and then add it to a 30-day Digital Mini-Planner AND add the tabs and links to the new content plus create your hyperlinked index page!! - and do it all on a Zoom session so you can ask questions throughout the process. This session will take place mid-September as we have the other bonus sessions starting next week, and everyone will get the finished product as well! Since D'vorah's sale is on through the 27th, we will have our Bonus Session Wednesday, September 2nd at 3:00 PM EST.
To collect your bonuses: Please send your receipt with the word "BONUS" in the subject line to:
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Have a wonderful day!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)