New Goodies Added To Our Digital Planners!
Is it still today?? LOL, yes, this is the newsletter that would NORMALLY go out early afternoon but it's been a very, very busy day! And fortunately - a very PRODUCTIVE day - since as we all know, those two do not necessarily go hand in hand :-(
So, first off, I just finished uploading 180 digital stickers (8 styles in 20 colors each) to each design kit in Dropbox, PLUS 3 fun little framed backgrounds PDFs for your sticker books. These are NOT cropped but are delivered on transparent PNG sheets,a dn the colors are taken from the tabs colors, so you will find stickers to coordinate with each planner. I will try to get individual PNGs out in a few days as well. When you upload them to your iPad, they will land in your photos and you then just move them into your GoodNotes app.
Next project: I am also adding a color palette for each design kit so you know what colors are used for the tabs. That will be done Friday.
===>>> I also put together a compilation of all of the questions that have come in over the last 2 days and this has also been uploaded to each Design Kit. It answers all kinds of queries ranging from how to test the links to where to sell your finished product.
So, if you have already downloaded your files please head back to your member area and download the new goodies!
And if you have submitted a bonus receipt recently, I will have all bonuses uploaded by early tomorrow, and I apologize for the delay!
Thursday is our Zoom SEO & Traffic chat! And well, really, just about anything else you can think of too! If you have not been able to join us yet, you are still welcome to join in the fun! You do not need to appear on video, if you do not want to! Here are the details for tomorrow's call:
Time: Jun 4, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Jun 4, 2020 03:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98396888681?pwd=Y05GanIxN1FZYmllL0ZvUGpUNnhwUT09
Meeting ID: 983 9688 8681 Password: 596775
+13126266799,,98396888681#,,1#,596775# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,98396888681#,,1#,596775# US (New York) Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acbBJnhvr8
We finally launched our first digital planner! Toolkit #13 is finally live! This was a bear of a project, and I spent more hours than I want to admit to anyone but it's been so very well received, and I thank everyone for the kind words!! If you have not checked it out yet - click below to see what all of the hullabaloo is about!
Use promo code DIGITAL1 for $10 off each planner and DIGITALBUNDLE for $20 off the SUPER BUNDLE price!! Discounts are good through June 4!!
I almost missed this latest one by Kristie Chiles, and I am glad that I did not! I love anything that can save me time and make me money - and this can do both:
Kristie's put together a list of 99 Keywords that Pinterest says that people are looking for at 5 million searches EACH keyword per month. I love this because it shortens the idea to product cycle for me by miles:
Select a keyword > Create a printable > Market on Pinterest > $$ Cha-CHING $$
Bonus: Purchase through our link and get $7 off your next purchase with us!
TO COLLECT YOUR WONDERFUL BONUSES: Purchase through our links, then please send your receipt to: [email protected]
That's all for today - chat with ya tomorrow!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)