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And if we just keep repeating that over and over, it WILL happen!!! That is definitely mantra for the day ;-)
First up - we are about to shut the doors on the "Second Chance" release of the Homepreneur's Adventure Premium Bundle - it goes away forever tonight...or first thing Saturday am, depending on whether I stay up until midnight. I love aMember dearly but learned long ago not to rely on their system clock!
Secondly, we have had some really awesome Zooms this week, and today was another fun one! And by special request, we will be doing another Photoshop "Smush 'n' Mush" tutorial at the Kitchen Sink Zoom May 13th, featuring watercolor backgrounds and vintage grunge papers, all in ways that will allow you to meet the TOS of Creative Fabrica.
And last but not least - this is going to be a short one today - we have had VERY strong winds all day and the internet keeps coming and going, so hoping I can get this out before it goes out again!
BONUSES: I have a couple of bonuses left to finish up this weekend - but if your email is Hotmail or Yahoo, many of them are blocking the emails with the download links. If you can please email me with a different email address, I would greatly appreciate it!
I will be posting this on the website calendar over the weekend, and will include the event deadlines as well!! A BIG CHANGE - the Kitchen Sink will be every other Thursday for May as I try to wrap up speaker details, get NFTs uploaded, some podcasts done and my own product launches. Oh yeah and get the flowers planted that are covering the dining room table LOL ;-)
We Are Going to Be Podcasters!!
WOW!! The response has been amazing to this one - we DEFINITELY have a great group to get this kicked off! See the BONUS section below to see what we have planned!! I will be reaching out to everyone over the weekend to get started!
When Neil Napier launched his new BCast Suite - at a fraction of the cost of everything else I have looked at - I was in. But it does much much more than just create your podcast:
• AUTO VOICE-OVER turn your written content into Podcasts using advanced A.I. powered Text-to-Speech app (think blog posts and all that PLR you have!!)
• UPLOAD & SHARE your podcast on 20 platforms including Apple, Google, Spotify…in just 1-Click
• PUBLISH TO YOUTUBE: Automatically post your podcast onto your YouTube Playlist
• AI Voiceovers can be generated in 107 languages!!
• Make money by adding an audio insert before and after each episode from sponsors
• Commercial license included - sell your services to others!
See that second one up there - highlighted in PINK? That is why I really bought this software! With Google's new SEO update coming out, the leaks are saying that backlinks are going to gain importance again, and can you imagine getting keyword-rich links from high-quality domains every month? Links that are from your ORIGINAL content??
BONUS: Let's not only do a walkthrough - let's get together and be each other's first guests!!! YES!! Purchase through my link, and I will be on your podcast and you can be on mine, and yes, we can connect in the group and get those first sessions under our belts and the fears out of the way, and yes, I will promote your podcast to my whole list!! Send your receipt to [email protected]
Talk about PERFECT TIMING! Lynette just released a fantastic planner that covers every aspect of planning, creating, and booking your Podcast! This is the perfect companion piece to the BCast Suite!
BONUS: Pick this up today, and get the Digital version as well - it will be ready early next week, with an additional cover and divider pages, and fully hyperlinked tabs, and Table of Contents! You will find the new Digital Planner in your dashboard by Wednesday at ThriveAnywhere.com
Use coupon code: PODCAST at checkout!
New Today!
As many of you will probably remember - I spent almost $200 on RafflePress for our Start Your Side Hustle promos and it was not nearly as full featured as this software is for $34!!! The First-Ever Contest App That Ties In Real Gamification With Points, Badges and Rewards!
- 500 Contests
- 10000 Contest Participants
- Display Winners
- Email, GMail and Facebook Login
- Autoresponder & Webinar Integrations
- Retargetting codes
- Prize, Reward & Video Contests
- Live Leaderboard
- Export Participants
- Export Data entries
- Facebook and Twitter Share Option
- Language Settings
- And LOTS more!!!
BONUS: I am putting together a bundle of mini planners that make great giveaways for these types of contests - Printable and Digital Lead Magnets that I have given away over the past year, there will be at least 10 in the bundle, probably more. You may have some but probably not all of them, plus you can also select one of the above bonuses as well. I should have the bundle done by Monday.
Full details here: COMPETEUP
Have an awesome weekend - whatever it means to you!!
P.S. You can reach us by simply responding to this email - we actually do respond!! See all of our products or login to your Member's area at PLRoftheMonth.club
Please note: This is a commercial email, and you are receiving it because you signed up to one of our lists at some point in time. If you don't want to receive our newsletters anymore - just click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this email. If you purchase a product through a link in this newsletter, we may be compensated for that purchase as an affiliate of the product. Then again, we also include lots of links to other websites and cool stuff for you, just cuz we are nice peeps and that's the way we do things. ;-)